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Homemade Granola Bars

Since we love making our own granola, it comes naturally that we'd love to use some of that homemade treat in granola bars. I wouldn't exactly call these healthy given all the, you know, marshmallows, but nevertheless I know they'll be a hit. Enjoy!

As always, let's get right to the recipe . . .

Here's how to do it:

Melt in the microwave for a minute at a time until you're able to combine:

4 tablespoons of butter

1 10.5 oz bag mini marshmallows

Stir till combined, then add:

1/2 cup peanut butter (smooth is probably best here)

Much like making Rice Krispies treats, press this mixture into a waxed paper lined 13 x 9 pan. Give it an hour to set before cutting it into servings. To make them pretty wrap them in waxed paper and tie with string.

To make it easy to copy and paste into your grocery list . . .


4 tablespoons butter

10.5 oz bag marshmallows (mini, but the big ones will do in a pinch)

1/2 cup peanut butter


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