Today's personal study . . .
Walk the worst streets and you will find sinners.
Walk the corridors of the basest jails and you will find sinners.
Walk the darkest corners of the seediest nightclubs and you will find sinners.
You need not walk far or ransack the earth, though.
Sinners are common enough.
It is for these that Jesus died.
Find the worst specimen of humanity and have hope!
Because Jesus has come to seek and to save sinners.
Some of the worst have been made the best.
Plain pebbles made into crown jewels.
Drab dross made into glorious gold.
Redeeming love.
Grace calls the worst to sit at the table of mercy.
None need despair if they accept Him.
Pure love. Abiding love.
Faithful love.
What can we have defiled that He will not wipe clean?
Trust your soul with Him and He will bring you to His Father's right hand in glory everlasting!